Friday, April 9, 2010

CIC Italy Trip Featured in Magazine

The winter 2010 issue of "International News" of the Community Colleges for International Development, Inc., featured an article by Hospitality and Tourism Department Head Patricia Agnew, with Katherine Purcell, on CIC's Study Abroad Italy Trip.

"While food preparation and presentation can be taught in the kitchen and the classroom, sustainable food practices - the manner in which meals tie the family and community to the economy and the environment - must be experienced firsthand in order to be fully understood. To that end, faculty and students from the CIC at TTC traveled to APICIUS International School of Hospitality in Florence, Italy, to learn the roles that food, education and culture play in the sustainablitiy movement and the international marketplace," Ms. Agnew wrote.

For the full article, see:
Photos by Patricia Agnew

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