Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chef Alexander Stars in Post & Courier Story

Chef Alexander's Artisan Bread class was featured in a story titled "The Art of Baking" by Post & Courier columnist Nathalie Dupree.

"There are 10 of us," writes Dupree, "including the instructor, Jeff Alexander, who have been standing next to the oven during the Artisan Baking Class. The hardest artisan bread to make is the French baguette. And, class after class, the students at Trident Tech's Culinary Institute of Charleston turn out at least three loaves of French baguettes each, totaling more than 50 each by the end of the term. Each student is eager to master all 50.

"Fifty is a magic number to chef Alexander, a graduate of Johnson & Wales when the culinary school was in Charleston, a passionate baker and unbelievably dedicated teacher.

"In addition to the French bread, the class had already rolled pita bread and formed it into rounds, watching it as it miraculously puffed in the oven. They had made pissaladiere (French pizza-type breads, these shaped into rectangles), covering them with salt and pepper, sauteed onions, garlic and the finest Nicoise olives.

"The finale is pizza, tossed in the air. "Think 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 9 o'clock as you toss the dough between two hands, turning as you go," says Alexander. "That will keep it round." And it does."
Find the complete story, including CIC student Meri Spalviero's recipe for homemade pizza, at:

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