Willi’s Lehner's farm is powered entirely by solar and wind energy |
Learning about cave-aging cheese making with master cheese maker Willi Lehner in front of his man made cave. |
Willi Lehner’s raw cow’s milk cheeses aging inside his cave
In May, CIC's Chef Scott Stefanelli was one of twelve culinary educators from across the country selected to participate in a Wisconsin Dairy and Cheese Making Symposium put on by the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.
Based out of Madison, Wisconsin, the group traveled for three days on a tour bus throughout the southern part of the state visiting dairy farms, cheese making plants, and master cheese makers. They tasted over one hundred handcrafted cheeses during the course of the Symposium, and had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with corporate chefs from Emmi-Roth and scientists from the Center for Dairy Research. In addition to the focus on learning about the culture, art, and business of cheese, the group was challenged to help the WMMB design new tools to be used for cheese education in their respective schools.